How to create memories of your wedding day
Your wedding day is a truly magical time. Not only are you taking an extra step in your commitment to your partner, you are celebrating with those who matter most in your life. While the day itself is incredibly special and what your time will be spent planning for, it is also worth considering how to create memories of your wedding day.
This will help you remember and reminisce about your nuptials. It will also mean you to have plenty to look forward to and avoid the post-wedding blues. Here are some great ideas on how to create memories of your wedding day that will last for years to come.
- Choose a dress you can wear again
Wedding dresses are undeniably beautiful. But after they have been worn once, they are likely put in a box and never touched again. By choosing something more casual, but equally stunning, you have more chance of wearing the dress again to a formal event or even another wedding as a guest. A good idea is to explore prom dress finder, where you can find gorgeous dresses that will have more longevity that something more traditional.
- Preserve your wedding flowers
Wedding flowers always look stunning, so keeping them makes complete sense. You can use a range of methods including pressing or air drying them so they are kept in the complete bouquet. There are also a range of companies that offer services such as setting your flowers in resin to make items such as paperweights or other keepsakes. You can also find kits to do this yourself, too.
- Collate wedding photos from guests
As well as the photos from your photographer, candid photos taken by your friends and family are a great way to tap into more memories from the day. Collating them in one space has been made easier with services such as Wedding Photo Swap. Wedding Photo Swap allows you to set up online photo albums of your big day. You then invite friends and family to send you the photos they took at the event directly to your online photo albums.
As well as having a place to view the images, you can add comments and download the photographs. This allows you to print and display them or use them digitally in a range of ways.
- Make a wedding card collage
If you’re crafty and enjoy making your own décor, you can create a special piece from your wedding cards. You can punch or cut out different pictures and messages from your wedding cards and put them together, perhaps in a shape or letters of your names. Glue them onto a piece of card, put them into a frame and display them in your home.
- Put together a time capsule
After your wedding, fill a box with some of your wedding mementos. Include items such as your invitation, your place cards, the order of service and a copy of your vows. Paper goods are ideal to include as they won’t perish over time. Seal the time capsule and plan a date to open it; maybe your 5th or 10th wedding anniversary. It will be a lovely way to revisit those happy memories some time in the future.
These are some of the ideas on how to create memories of your wedding day that will last for a lifetime.